Well, folks it's been a little while since we've written a note or two because we've been busy helping ordinary folks like you get their businesses off and running. Since we've last been together MSBI and their associates have been brainstorming, meeting, holding conference calls, giving away websites and most of all LEARNING! Learning new techniques about how to market and looking forward to coming back to our fellow bloggers and letting you know what we things we found out.
Knowing that many of our bloggers/fellow marketers are on tight budgets we decided to start looking for some of the most cost effective methods to help get us going. We helped one client get his powerpoint presentation up and running so that when someone called about utilizing his service or asked what he does, now he can email our his powerpoint and start getting feedback before he pours over his website.
Here are some other techniques and offers that we came up with:
FREE web design
Low cost marketing plans
Low cost marketing consultation from some of our best minds in the industry
Low cost Power point content writitng
Help with their Adsense needs
And we are growing our list of other GUERILLA techniques. So, stay tuned for our follow up and make sure to let us know what you think of our blog.