The most tell tale sign of movement overseas this summer was "The Arab Spring". Countries all across the Arab world along with the people of America and Europe were on the move and it was all because of THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS which made the ordinary citizens of the world, "spring" into action. Those who were and are seen as leaders around the world were put to the test to either answer the people or get out of the way!
Whether the moves that were made were in the best manner or interest of the people over the long run is still left to be seen; it was a moving year which will resonate throughout 2012 and beyond.
No matter what the popular world financial media prints or talks about there is no hiding the fact that the world populace is actively pursuing a new course regardless as to who is in power.
The GUERILLA MARKETING FOR YOU blog began with the idea to help the average person in the world market generate a global economic movement with the resources we all have at our disposal. OURSELVES! And to form a network that will communicate and navigate a new course in ECONOMIC REVIVALISM that we are destined to make grow.
So, we're inviting you....Those who are springing up new businesses around the world to join on and share what you know will change the course of our individual lives and will birth the true spirit of working together for the betterment of all.....