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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

COUPONS: Who'd a Thunk It!

Did you ever wonder why coupons are so popular?
Have you ever used them?

In marketing they are used to get the word out about a product. You know, EXPOSURE!

In sales they are used as a way to get you to buy something that you may not necessarily buy or would otherwise wait until it became a price you want. You know, BEST OFFER!

In advertising they are used to track sales. We all know how TRACKING OUR TRAFFIC is key to our efforts that support how much we spend and where.

In other words, they put the ad in the circular, you see it and think it's a good deal. They've added a bar code so that when or if you decide to use it then they will know where you used it, when you used it and often from what circular you pulled the coupon from. GENIUS!

So, has this got you thinking of using coupons along with your ads?

I know I have and I've even started printing my coupons on the back of my business cards so that others can receive the benefit of handing my card to someone else as well.

Would love to hear your feedback!

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